Answering your hearing related questions.

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Hearing Aid FAQs

We are here to answer any of your hearing related questions. Below we’ve gathered some commonly asked questions our patients ask us. If you want more information on hearing loss or hearing aids, then please call us today so we can help you begin the journey towards better hearing.

Hearing aids are an investment, but the cost depends on your lifestyle. If you live an active lifestyle and are constantly in high demand, busy environments then you would need higher end hearing aids that will cost more than if you live a sedentary lifestyle and stay mostly at home. We offer hearing aids at different price ranges so you can find something that is in your budget.
Hearing aids are no longer big, bulky, and beige. Today’s hearing aids feature the latest technology such as Bluetooth connectivity, and they are small and discreet in size. Hearing aids are very sleek, and come in different colors and styles depending on your personal preference. No one will even know you’re wearing them, but they will notice that you can hear better.
It’s important to have realistic expectations with hearing aids. You won’t go back to hearing like you used to before your hearing loss, but you will hear significantly better. During your hearing aid consultation we will go over what expectations you can have, and how to gain the most out of your new hearing aids.
Wearing hearing aids will not slow down the progression of your hearing loss. We like to see patients annually to perform regular hearing screenings to see if there are any changes in your hearing. Even if there is a change in your hearing loss, we can reprogram your hearing aids, so you won’t have to purchase new ones.
Hearing aids typically last 5-7 years. You shouldn’t need to make a purchase every year or even every couple years. Hearing aids are a long-term purchase and will last you for many years if properly cleaned and maintained.
We will do repairs on your hearing aids until you decide you don’t want them anymore and upgrade. We don’t want you to feel like you have to upgrade hearing aids if you’re not ready, that’s why if the warranty expires we will still service and repair them for you. If your hearing aids still work and you want to continue using them, then we want to repair them for you.